Click Here to apply.
Email [email protected] or call 602-755-5627.
As soon as they have started their new job and about to receive their first pay stub.
We will reach out within 3 business days.
Clients must have a working phone with voicemail set up for client contact. They must also have a working email address.
We currently have a waiting list, however it’s comprised of multiple factors including current location and housing situation, transportation method, and proximity to employment. Because of this, we cannot give exact dates on when you will enter the program after being on the waitlist. Your WV Specialist will be happy to keep you apprised of your time frame.
Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on the Village’s property, weapons of any kind on Village’s property, causing damage or harm to Village’s property or any individuals on property, etc.
There are curfews for clients, however exceptions apply for clients who work nights.
No visitors are allowed on property, including children or pets.
Various parts of Phoenix and accessible via the I-10, I-17 and 202 Freeways.
Any individual without a lease in their name and/or no financial obligation towards their current housing is considered unsheltered.
We require clients to save 80% of their income in order to afford stable housing upon exit of the program into your own apartment. Our goal at SJW is to show you how to be sustainable, and this includes budgeting.
If a client is denied, they will receive an email from the Program Manager.
Yes, you must present your first paycheck to enroll in our Workforce Villages program. However, if you need assistance finding a job, please visit one of our employment service offices.
Clients are responsible for finding their own apartments with the guidance of their WV Specialist.