James’s & SSP’s Success Story

St. Joseph the Worker’s longtime Preferred Business Partner, SSP America, employs over 600 full-time workers in the Valley at any given time. They operate over a dozen food concepts in Sky Harbor Airport which provides a pathway to a career and great benefits. Like any business, they have employees who are housing insecure and may be too embarrassed to talk about it or feel like their employer might not have a way to help. SSP has an amazing HR staff and they were willing to provide our Workforce Villages information in their onboarding information to new hires. James took advantage of the opportunity and flourished.

As James and John will attest, something so simple can be life changing both personally and professionally.  SJW offers a pathway to stable housing with individuals using their own funds to secure an apartment based on education, empowerment, and accountability. These type of partnerships are vital for maximum impact in our community. Congratulations, James on your success getting your own apartment and at work where you are on a great career track.

Can we count on your compassion to help change lives?

Your donation can make a transformative impact:

$32 can provide a month of transportation for job interviews or a new job.
$45 can provide an individual with a day of transitional housing, including essential resources, life skills classes, and support on their journey to stable housing.
$50 can connect a job seeker to quality employment and provide a bus pass and interview clothing.
$120 can equip a client with work tools, uniforms, or other resources needed for their first day on the job.

With your help, we can offer hope and a fresh start to those with nowhere else to turn. Join us in making a difference. Together, we can ensure that more stories like James’s end with newfound hope and stability.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

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